Current Members


Visiting Scholars

5th Year Graduate Students

4th Year Graduate Students

3rd Year Graduate Students

2nd Year Graduate Students

1st Year Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

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Kira Rahn – Postdoc


Previous Degrees:
B.A. ACS Chemistry and Mathematics, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN

Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Research Project:  My research focuses on the development of low-cost electrochemical immunoassays for the detection of infectious diseases using microfluidic devices and an NFC-powered potentiostat.

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Thaisa Baldo – Postdoc


Previous Degrees:
B.Sc., Chemistry, São Paulo State University, Brazil
M.Sc., Chemistry, São Paulo State University, Brazil
Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Research Project:  My research focuses on developing low-cost immunoassays to detect SARS-CoV-2, related viruses, and other infectious diseases, including bacteria.

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Soma Papp – Visiting Scholar


Previous Degrees: B.Sc., Chemical Engineer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
M.Sc., Chemical Engineer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Ph.D., Chemistry, Chemical Engineer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Research Project: Research Project: My research focuses on developing a low-cost microfluidic device for early-stage cancer diagnosis.

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Dirk Johan De Beer – Visiting Scholar


Previous Degrees: BEng Electronic Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
BEng (Hons) Microelectronic Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
MEng Microelectronic Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Research Project: Research Project: My research focuses on the development of low-cost impedance spectroscopy instrumentation. We have done application testing with, Salts, Nitrate detection, and Bacterial metabolic activity monitoring.

Validation of Low-Cost Impedance Analyzer via Nitrate Detection.” De Beer, D.J. &amp Joubert, T.-H.  Sensors2021, DOI: 10.3390/s21196695
Undersampling and Saturation for Impedance Spectroscopy Performance.” De Beer, D.J. &amp Joubert, T.-H.  IEEE Sensors2021, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3105317
Non-Destructive Impedance Monitoring of Bacterial Metabolic Activity towards Continuous Lead Biorecovery.” Andrews, G., Neveling, O., De Beer, D.J., Chirwa, E.M.N., Brink, H.G. &amp Joubert, T.-H.  Sensors2022, DOI: 10.3390/s22187045

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Elisa Bottelli – Visiting Scholar


Previous Degrees: Bachelor in Technological Chemistry at Campinas State University (Unicamp), Brazil

Research Project: Research Project: My research focuses in developing a low-cost 3D printed electrochemical sensor for the detection of pesticides.

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Diele Araujo – Visiting Scholar


Previous Degrees: BSc., Chemistry – Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil.
MSc. and PhD in Chemistry degrees – Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil.
Postdoctoral associate in Thiago Paixão’s group – University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Research Project: Research Project: Focusing on developing low-cost and microfluidic electrochemical device coupling sample preparation steps for clinical analysis.

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Amanda Cherwin – 5th Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: Milwaukee School of Engineering, B.S. in Biomolecular Engineering,
McHenry County College, A.E.S. in Chemical Engineering

Research Project: I am working to further develop “gut-on-chip” models to study intestinal physiology via the integration of live tissue with microfluidics, imaging, and electrochemical sensing. I am also working on the development of paper-based analytical devices for point-of-care diagnostics related to Heart Failure, as well as Sickle Cell Disease.

Group Publications:
Microfluidic organotypic device to test intestinal mucosal barrier permeability ex vivo.” Cherwin, A.E., Templeton, H.N., Ehrlich, A.T., Patlin, B.H., Henry, C.S., & Tobet, S.A.  Lab on a Chip2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00615H

User-friendly, magnetically sealed plug-and-play sensor module for online electrochemical sensing for fluidic devices” Roley, A., Clark, K., Richardson, A., Martinez, B., Tobet, S., Henry, C.S.  Chem Rxiv2021, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-tth3p

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Eli Barstis – 4th Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: Hamilton College, B.A. in Chemistry and Art

Research Project: The goal of my research is to create an inexpensive, user-friendly microfluidic device for diagnostic use.

Group Publications:
Capillary flow-driven immunoassay platform for COVID-19 antigen diagnostics.” Link, J.S., Carrell, C.S., Jang, I., Barstis, E.J.O, Call, Z.D., Bellows, R.A., O’Donnell-Sloan, J.J., Terry, J.S., Anderson, L.B.R., Panraksa, Y., Geiss, B.J., Dandy, D.S., & Henry, C.S.  Analytica Chimica Acta2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.341634

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Trey Pittman – 4th Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: Mississippi College, B.S. in Biochemistry

Research Project: My research focuses on the development of paper-based analytical devices for point-of-care diagnostics.

Group Publications:
Electrochemical Immunosensor for the Quantification of Galectin-3 in Salivas.” Pittman, T.W., Zhang, X., Punyadeera, C. & Henry, C.S.  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2023, DOI:/10.1016/j.snb.2023.134811

Saliva-based microfluidic point-of-care diagnostic” Pittman, T.W., Desci, D.B., Punyadeera, C. and Henry, C.S.  Theranostics2023, DOI: 10.7150/thno.78872

Electrochemical Capillary Driven Immunoassay for Detection of SARS-CoV-2″ Clark, K.M., Schenkel, M.S., Pittman, T.W., Samper, I.C., Anderson, L.B.R., Khamcharoen, W., Elmegerhi, S., Perera, R., Siangproh, W., Kennan, A.J., Geiss, B.J., Dandy, D.S., and Henry, C.S.  ACS Measurement Science Au2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsmeasuresciau.2c00037

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Prakash “Kash” Aryal – 3rd Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: B.S., Chemistry with Minor in Mathematics, Texas A&M International University

Research Project: My research focuses on creating a rapid and user-friendly sensor designed for detecting water contaminants such as heavy metals, nutrients, pesticides, PFAS, and more, particularly in resource limited settings.

Group Publications:
Capillary Flow-Driven Microfluidics Combined with a Paper Device for Fast User-Friendly Detection of Heavy Metals in Water.” Aryal, P., Brack, E., Alexander, T. & Henry, C.S.  Analytical Chemistry2023, DOI:/10.1021/acs.analchem.3c00378
Smartphone-enabled green anthocyanin sensor for Fe(III) sensing on paper using capillary-driven microfluidics.” Aryal, P., Indrianingsih, A.W., & Henry, C.S.  Green Analytical Chemistry2024, DOI:/10.1016/j.greeac.2023.100091
Microfluidics in environmental analysis: advancements, challenges, and future prospects for rapid and efficient monitoring.” Aryal, P., Hefner, C., Martinez, B., & Henry, C.S.  Lab on a Chip2023, DOI:/10.1039/D3LC00871A

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Rae Bellows – 2nd Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degrees: B.S., Chemistry, Colorado State University

Research Project: My research focuses on the development of the eCaDI.

Group Publications:
Capillary flow-driven immunoassay platform for COVID-19 antigen diagnostics.” Link, J.S., Carrell, C.S., Jang, I., Barstis, E.J.O, Call, Z.D., Bellows, R.A., O’Donnell-Sloan, J.J., Terry, J.S., Anderson, L.B.R., Panraksa, Y., Geiss, B.J., Dandy, D.S., & Henry, C.S.  Analytica Chimica Acta2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.341634

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Joowon Park – 2nd Year Graduate Student


Previous Degrees: B.S., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei Univeristy, Republic of Korea

M.S., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

Research Project: My research focuses on the development of analytical devices for point-of-care molecular diagnostics.

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Claire Hefner – 2nd Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: B.A., The College of Wooster

Research Project: My work focuses on developing fast-flow paper-based microfluidic devices for environmental monitoring.

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Emie Marin – 2nd Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: B.S in Chemistry, Florida International University

Research Project: My research project will focus on optimizing thermoplastic electrodes for immunoassay applications.
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Max Bridges – 1st Year Graduate Student


Undergraduate Degree: B.A. in Chemistry, Ithaca College

Research Project: My work currently involves the investigation of laser-induced graphene (LIG) electrodes and their applications.
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Henri Berry – Undergraduate Student

Major: Chemistry

Previous Licences: Pharmaceutical Technician License, Baker College

Research Project: I want to learn about my favorite branch of Chemistry (analytical) while taking the opportunity to learn more about biochemistry!

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Wyatt Hummel – Undergraduate Student

Major: Chemistry

Research Project: I am assisting on a project involving quantitative electrochemical detection of disease markers.

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Bethany Unruh – Undergraduate Student

Major: Chemistry (forensic focus)

Research Project: I am working with the group on the Capillary Driven Immunoassay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid proteins.

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Jonah Rodasta – Undergraduate Student

Major: Chemistry

Research Project: I am working on a project where we are trying to create inexpensive microfluidic device for diagnostic use.

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Daphne Alexander – Undergraduate Student

Major: Chemistry

Research Project: My research centers on devolving a early cancer detection device using porous protein microcrystals developed in the Snow lab.

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